

A wearable gym? Discreet armband uses the power of MAGNETS to provide the same workout as a 24kg dumbbell !!

The two rings, designed by South Korean students, are worn above and below the elbow. They are powered by embedded electromagnets that provide varying degrees of push and pull resistance.
The dumbbells claim to provide the user with all the benefits of traditional dumbbells without the effort of changing equipment for each exercise. The strength of these electromagnets can be set by adjusting the level of electric power according to the work out intensity needed.
The display indicates 8-circled bars which each represents an additional weight of 3kg.
The users are then able to choose the right training weight ranging from between 3kg to 24kg. It even keeps track of your workout.
Repetitions of each training-set are indicated on the display in the middle of the device so that you never lose count.
Its small size and magnetism also means it is easily transportable.
The dumbbell was designed by by Suhyun Yoo, Hongseok Kim and Juhyeon Lee of Kookmin University.


P&P Office Waste Paper Processor

P&P Office Waste Paper Processor help to convert paper to pencil, works on the principle of printer which takes blank paper as input and prints the desired output. Similarly, this one takes any paper of prescribed size and produces pencils on the other side. As you can see from the pictures, there is input slot which takes paper and the pencil exit slot which generates pencils. Like in printers you should refill with lead powder or graphite powder to generate lead pencils. There is a slot for pencil sharpening where you can sharpen the pencils directly. It is provided with various modes like Manual and Auto to choose from as per your convenience.


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